Economic Restoration
Just Transition
Gulf South
Alabama’s road to a better public transportation future - Alabama Rise
Justice 40 — Green New Deal Network
Drawdown Roadmap - Project Drawdown
Air Tracker - Environmental Defense Fund
Equitable Adaptation Legal & Policy Toolkit - Georgetown Climate Center
Frontline Funding
Gulf South
Federal Clean Energy Tax Credit Benefits By State - Energy Innovation: Policy and Technology
External Grant Opportunities - Frontline Resource Institute
Federal Funding - Interfaith Power & Light
Funding Opportunities - U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit
Funding Opportunities - Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange
Resilience in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) - Georgetown Climate Center
Disaster Recovery
Gulf South
Live Healthsmart Alabama Program- University of Alabama at Birmingham
Gulf of Mexico faces climate change disaster, UN report states - Advance Local
Six Months After Hurricane Ida - DeSmog
Disaster Glossary Terms You Should Know - Southerly Magazine
Faithful Action: Working with Religious Groups in Disaster Planning, Response and Recovery
Economic Systems
Gulf South
Small North Carolina farms find profitability in climate resilience​.
Corn Tastes Better on the Honor System - Robin Wall Kimerer
Is it Colonial DéJà Vu? Indigenous Peoples and Climate Injustice - Kyle Powys Whyte
Wealthy Countries Have Blown Through Their Carbon Budgets - Scientific American
Car-free Sundays? IEA sets out 10-point plan to reduce global oil demand - The Guardian
Responding to Pope Francis's Call: Building a New Economy Rooted in Care for Creation