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Three EJ Announcements

1. Climate Justice


Congratulations to the Southeast Conference for receiving a special grant from the UCC Brown Continuing Education Fund to sponsor a Special Event on Climate Justice. Rev. Michael Malcolm, our Conference Environmental Justice Representative, is seeking a few folks (clergy or lay) who will serve as a planning committee for the Event. We have the resources, knowledge, and motivation. We just need a few other interested folks to make the event a reality. Interested or questions? Contact Michael at We need names by January 15, 2020.

2. Webinar: Activist Theology with Robyn Henderson-Espinoza

January’s Creation Justice Webinar will feature Robyn Henderson-Espinoza who has been named one of 10 Faith Leaders to Watch by the Center for American Progress. Her new book is entitled "Activist Theology," and in this webinar, she will connect the struggle for creation justice to the kind of theological reflection needed to take collective action and build movements. Sign-up for the webinar even if you can’t make its January 14th date, because a link to its recording will be sent to all who register. Register now!

3. Recording: Solar Power 101 for Faith Communities

In case you missed it, last month’s Creation Justice  Webinar was full of insights for churches that either want to go solar or want to help their neighbors go solar. Anya Schoolman of Solar Neighbors United gave practical tips for going solar that covered financing options, pitfalls to avoid, and strategies for success. She additionally talked about why churches may want to start a solar co-op as a first step in advancing solar. Watch the video of her presentation!

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